John P Kee - Happy - Sheet Music


Learn another classic song from one of John P Kee's earliest projects Yes Lord album released in 1987 ''Happy" there's some really nice classic gospel movements in this song and jazz voicings you'll love

Shout out to Pastor Kee for writing some timeless songs!

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Learn another classic song from one of John P Kee's earliest projects Yes Lord album released in 1987 ''Happy" there's some really nice classic gospel movements in this song and jazz voicings you'll love

Shout out to Pastor Kee for writing some timeless songs!

Learn another classic song from one of John P Kee's earliest projects Yes Lord album released in 1987 ''Happy" there's some really nice classic gospel movements in this song and jazz voicings you'll love

Shout out to Pastor Kee for writing some timeless songs!

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